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Forex Market 24 Hr Clock:
Follow the hour hand and see the most important moments of the Forex market mapped on a 24-hour dial of the Market 24h Clock: highlighted stock markets, which are open now, Market Activity Sectors, when the market gets highly active and Strategic Points - the most crucial points in time for you as a trader. Best of all, it's 100% free!
Bloomberg Live TV
This live TV broadcast runs 24 hrs per day and has all the latest financial news from around the world.
Best of all, it's 100% free!
Economic News Calendars:
Some great economic news calendars which can display all upcoming daily and weekly economic news.
It's best to check all calendars listed as some calendars don't show all events and they sometimes show different importance levels...
1. DailyFX - Economic News Calendar
2. MyFXBook - Economic News Calendar
3. Trading Economics - Economic News Calendar
Important Economic News Events to be cautious of:
It is important to understand the nature of some of the High Impact economic news events relating to the Euro and US Dollar. Trading around these events should be done with caution. If you want to trade around these events to cash in on some of the high volatility and rapid price movement in the markets, we recommend starting the EA shortly before the news is released. This reduces the possibility of having larger lot-sized levels open, which helps reduce risk. You may also want to reduce your TP levels at these times to scalp the market when prices are moving rapidly, to maybe 20 TP.